Well here is my first A-Z Blogfest posting, my mind was running free so I have not thought of what I've typed here in the last 3 minutes and I hope it makes some sort of sense to you and I more than hope that the writing will improve during the challenge:
Alone in your sadness and pain no longer be. For life is short, life is precious, it cannot be wasted on what was not done, not achieved to this day.
I am life, the life of my party and when one day I go, i must be able to say, wow, that was one mother of a ride.
I know some may not feel the same, what with me safely nestled in my warm cocoon, never knowing the desperation caused by cold seeping through marrow. Never experiencing the hunger that rips through a mother from gut to womb. I am not in anyone's shoes, while I do my time.Or should I do anyone else's time? Yes I should if I am to live, for I am after all my brother's keeper.
Alone, man is not meant to be.............
Man is meant to love, to feel, be animated, be loved. Man is meant to love with deep passions and endless hope. With burning intensity that sears one's lining. No, alone no longer be. Find love and love with abandonment, love as if there were no tomorrow. Be as certain that this is your last day to love as you are that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Alone no longer be for love you must, with the intensity of childhood dreams.
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