Confuse in deciding which's one will be bought, this LeapPad vs InnoTab Comparison will help you to see clearly its pros and cons, and conclude the suitable one with your kids' needs.
LeapPad vs InnoTab Similarities
LeapPad vs InnoTab Comparison
Pros and Cons
These are some reviews from user about pros and cons LeapPad vs InnoTab, hope it will help you to make a decision.
Main diffrences are the Innotab can take an sd card that you can load with your own choice of music movies and pictures . It doesnt have a camera or video recorder built in but will play mp3 music files and mp4 movies. The leappad has a built in camera and video recorder but will only play what you have recorded on it or downloads from the Leapfrog site. If you already have leapfrog explorer games it will play these
Iinnotab can be powered by way of a mains adapter, where the leap pad is battery only, that means have to buy it as an extra
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Not yet decided which one you'd like to give on this Christmas? Actually, you simply need to think of what your child will be using it for besides games. Knowing your child interest.
As one customer said "The InnoTab has the feature of adding extra memory and an mp3 player, whereas the LeapPad Explorer has a camera and video recording. So if your child would like the benefit of listening to music over taking pictures, get the InnoTab; or if you think your child would enjoy taking videos and pictures more go for the LeapPad"
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