I love radio shows as opposed to tv shows.
Perhaps because they require only my ears and allow better multitaking.
And I mention this today because one of my favourite talk radio stations (702FM) features the highly esteemed Dr. Eve on Fridays, a show I always look forward to.
As part of a couple I must say my interest is always peaked when I come across such persons as herself.
Call it gathering ammunition or whatever but there you are.
I find marriage like parenthood, to be an expedition of trail and error. Most times it is a wonderful and completely fulfilling experience. Sometimes tests come along and they are relatively easy to overcome and life moves on smoothly, hardly showing a dent and other times **shrugs**. Well, lets just say I find I need something extra to hold it all together with, in order to pass some tests.
Especially as we grow not only as a couple but as individuals. I constantly find myself having to adjust to changes within me and him and our marriage. You'll notice I keep saying I because even now I'm not 100% sure how he copes with these continues adjustments but he seems to do it with a lot more finesse than I. Do I sense an underlying dissonance?
Most people I come across on blogs, when they talk about their relationships I get these visions of blissful marriages and relationships and I wonder to myself. What am I doing wrong?
Am I the only person living on planet earth and finds marriage both rosy and thorny or am I just the dysfunctional wicked witch of the west that my poor husband got saddled with? No don't answer that, we may have to take out the Vaseline of you do. hehehe.
Anyway I'm saying all this today because I came across this article written by Dr. Eve and thought well, maybe its not just me. The mere fact that there are people going out to become doctors and specialists in this area must mean there is demand. Perhaps other people in my position are just better at keeping it to close to their chests. And I should have you know that albeit my chest being ample, it is so hollow I can't even keep my own confidence in it. Hence this very revealing post, do you see the problem?
Getting back to the reason for this post. I apologise for the extensive length of it firstly. Way too much said but I hope if you decide to read it all the way to the end, you'll find it worthwhile.
Perhaps you think you have a sexual dysfunction.
Ask yourself: did you choose your partner for other reasons other than passion? Problem with this is that the longer one is in a relationship the more the passion dies.So if passion did not form a firm foundation for you then you will find yourself in relationship doldrums pretty soon into marriage/relaitonship.
Did you choose a partner for passion? Aha another kind of doldrums awaits you: deadbrain , lack of companionship syndrome.
Herewith a quickie guide to get you out of relationship doldrums: Add your own thoughts to each sub heading and share with a partner for optimal results.
Notice and Appreciate: complacency is a passion killer
I use the 3 A’s formula: appreciate, acknowledge, admire. Use technology to do this so relationship does not feel like hard work at the end of the day. So easy to do this via text , e mail, skype, facebook etc- whatever your technical drug of choice is
Be healthy:
check that there aren't any medical issues which could be interfering with your sex life. That includes knowing your HIV/STI status. Of course regular exercise, regular sex, regular eating.
Vitally important: each person in a relationship has an obligation to be healthy: illness impacts on the other person and poor life style causes resentment such as excessive drinking, smoking , high body mass index. Resentment causes low sexual interest in both men and women.
Know how you each feel:
Mind mapping is an essential automatic part of relating. Hone in on your mind mapping skills so you get to know what your partner is thinking. Follow your mind mapping with discussion so you really knwo if you are getting each other or not.
Each person in relationship has a commitment to know one's own sexuality- likes and dislikes. As these change over time, one needs to be in the loop with one’s own self sexually. Otherwise true doldrum sets in.
Exposure to erotic material, interesting conversations about sexuality, exploring on internet great sites give people an idea what they want individually - and then the responsibility is to share with partner.
Seduction can only happen when the relationship feels great. And again each person has a responsibility to seduce the other- no standing back waiting for the other to initiate. It takes courage and confidence to do this. Take the risk and do it – it links in with people needing to feel the 2 A’s.. as well as lusted after by their own partner.
Go shopping - for some adult stuff
Any new shared experience makes a couple feel close and connected. So doing something daring such as shopping for sex toys is part of the turn on process. When a couple push boundaries, such as buying unusual sex toys/using different sex toys, there is a sense of sharing a secret which enhances their intimacy.
Get enough sleep
Allowing each other time alone- to sleep or talk on phone to friends, go for a run, hang out with friends, dance whatever , will give each person more willingness to share their bodies with each other. If there is a deprivation of self, resentment grows – which is a killer of sexual desire.
And take your time - nothing happens quickly..
Time is the most precious commodity today – porn provides people opportunity for quick sex so people are loosing the willingness to take time for sexual play- this in turn leads to relationship break down.
In summary, if you are healthy, have time out for yourself, process relationship stuff when it arises , invest in your own sexual, intellectual and emotional development, then you will be willing to take your precious time and spend it rescuing your own relationship from the doldrums.
If you have more suggestions on getting out the doldrums , please mention them in comments here.
I'd also love it if you'd share your thoughts on this article.
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