There’s no denying that distributing a Telugu film is a tough task if the film doesn’t have the backing of a big producer. Several small film producers have been trying to highlight the issue at several forums. The latest member from film fraternity to speak up about this issue is Siddharth. He had recently produced Love Failure and during the film’s release, he tied up with Bellamkonda Suresh to distribute the film across the state. Sharing his views on the topic, Siddharth tweeted, “We grew up at a time when 4-5 films released together and if they were good, they did well. Today, big films release alone. Power talks! Every rule of the free market is being violated in film distribution today.This encourages bad cinema as it becomes financially justifiable. We have more screens in India today per sq. km than ever before, and yet 100s of films are doomed to never release because of the politics! Everytime I meet a filmmaker with a completed film lying unreleased,it breaks my heart. The system is harshest on the most talented.Strange!”
Siddharth had launched his own production house named Etaki Entertainment which co-produced Love Failure. The film made about Rs 7 crores from the Telugu version alone and an additional Rs 6 crores from the Tamil version. Looks like Siddharth is learning the tricks of the trade quite fast. We wonder what his next project will be considering the niche subject which Love Failure dealt with.
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