Sunday, May 13, 2012

Nothing remains expect that which is with Allah

This may be an easy question to answer, but answer it non the less. Then read the explanation below.

"If you had 1000 pounds and spent 900 of it; how many pounds would you have left?"

If one spends 900 pounds then naturally the (remainder) would be 100 pounds as that is what would remain, and you would say that 'nothing remains of my 1000 pounds except 100 pounds.'

However, if one spent 900 pounds in Allah Almighty's path; the remainder would be 900 pounds! and not 100 pounds.

Why? Well, because the only thing that truly remains (remainder) is that which is deposited with Allah Almighty. So with this understanding you would say that 'nothing remains of your 1000 pounds except 900 pounds!' as that which truly remains (stays forever) is that which is with Allah Almighty.

May Allah Almighty accept our good deeds and grant us this understanding, Ameen.

Now read this message again and learn how (remain/remainder) can have two meanings and understand which (remainder) is the best!

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