Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: It's funny this novel is so often described as a love story, when most of the novel is about Heathcliff and Catherine tearing each other apart. I love books with secrets, and this book can tell you the secret of the world if you listen closely: Your most desperate passions and deeply rooted feelings are much stronger than you are; they're stronger than society; they might even be stronger than death.
(Catherine's ghost appears in the window)
..I muttered, knocking my knuckles through the glass, and stretching an arm out to seize the importunate branch; instead of which, my fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand! The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, ‘Let me in—let me in!’ ‘Who are you?’ I asked, struggling, meanwhile, to disengage myself. ‘Catherine Linton,’ it replied, shiveringly...I’m come home: I’d lost my way on the moor!’ As it spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child’s face looking through the window. Terror made me cruel; and, finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on to the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes: still it wailed, ‘Let me in!’ and maintained its tenacious gripe, almost maddening me with fear.
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