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Saturday, June 30, 2012
Aku dan negeriku
Famous people quotes-Bowhunter
- Ted Nugent, rock star
Pep Guardiola Puji Tristan Alif Naufal
Friday, June 29, 2012
Stop procrastinating inspirational work quote
Many of us do the very same things in our work as well as in our personal lives. I know lots of people who are virtually always late, whether it's to pick up the kids in their car pool, sit down before church starts or prepare food for dinner guests. The interesting part of this tendency isn't the fact that they are always running late, but the excuses that are used. "I had to pick up three kids, I had to make two stops before work, It's tough to get everything done before I run out the door, etc.
Again, I'm not denying that it is tough to get everything done but in most cases, you are working with absolutely known variables. You know exactly what you need to do and how long it is roughly going to take and that there will almost certainly be obstacles to contend with. You are aware of the fact that it is work and it takes a certain amount of time.
To get over procrastination requires humility. The only solution is to admit that, in most instances, you do have the time but you must start a little earlier and make whatever allowances are necessary to ensure that you wont be in a mad rush. By procrastinating, you are creating stress in your life and stress for other people. You need to make an effort to start earlier on a more consistent basis.
Think of how much less stress would be in your life if you would simply begin your tasks a little earlier rather than rushing from one project to the next, you would have plenty of time.
This is a simple yet important suggestion. Once you get in the habit of starting a little earlier, a great deal of your daily stress, at least that portion that you have some degree of control over, will fade away
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masa kecil saya itu sangat menyenangkan. tiap hari saya pasti selalu mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan. sejak kecil saya sangat menyukai cokelat. sampai sampai gigi saya jadi ompong dibuatnya :D macem gini gini..
saya sudah mulai bersekolah pada saat usia saya 6 tahun.. langsung masuk sd kalo ga salah waktu itu........ sewaktu kelas 1 sd saya memang masih kecil tapi sudah bisa mendapatkan peringkat ke sembilan... lalu pada kelas tiga sampai kelas 6 sd saya selalu mendapatkan peringkat 5 besar...
ngomong ngomong soal sd, saya ingat pada saat saya kelas 5 sd saya divonis menderita penyakit plek. itu semacam peyakit gangguan paru paru.. sewaktu kelas 5 saya itu saya sangat kurus. sampai sampai guru saya melarang saya untuk ikut pelajaran olahraga. saya pun menjalani pengobatan selama 1 tahun. dan alhamdulillah akhirnya saya pun sembuh..... :)
lalu pas smp saya bersekolah di sekolah favorit yang ada di bogor.. SMPN 1 CIAWI. semasa smp saya tidak terlalu mengalami masa yang seru hanya saja di smp saya dapat bertemu teman teman yang baik... saya ingat waktu itu temen teman saya atau yang biasa disebut teman genk,,, ada astri, septi, hera, yanti, elis, eka, rezna, sarah, rini. mereka semua teman yang baik.. sampai sekarang kami selalu berhubungan lewat fb, sms dsb.
pada saat smp ini juga tepatnya kelas 2 smp, saya mulai menyukai sepakbola. pertamanya sih saya itu suka sama man utd, tapi pas Mu kalah 3-0 sama milan langsung saya tinggalin itu klub setan. hehehe ( kan julukannya setan merah ) :D
pada semester 2 saya pun mulai jatuh cinta pada Liverpool fc. awalnya saya melihat gerrard yang sedang mau turun dari bis, entah kenapa saya pun mulai jatuh hati :*
sampai sekarang pun saya masih menjadi fans THE REDS. alhamdulillah :)
oh iya belum lengkap ya cerita masa sekolah tanpa cinta? hahahahahaha
sewaktu smp saya mengikuti exkul PMR dan saya bertemu dengan seseorang yang bernama tofik. jujur saya mulai tertarik padanya. tapi dengan berjalannya waktu rasa itu pun hilang.... zzzzzzzzz mari kita masuk masa SMA yang paling menyenangkan untuk saya.. karena dimasa itulah saya menemukan cinta pertama, dan sahabat :)
saya bersekolah di SMAN 1 CIAWI, salah satu sekolah favorit di kab bogor. X-4, itulah kelas pertama saya di SMA, dikelas itu saya mulai bersahabat dengan Nilam, Dea, dan Maulinda. dikelas itu juga saya ketemu musuh bebuyutan saya, namanya Aji. dia fans chelsea :@ tiap hari kerjaannnya ngeledek liverpool terus. tapi dia baik sih sebenarnya. saya pun suka dia. tapi hanya sebatas teman. Prestasi saya dikelas sepuluh sangat jelek :( orang tua saya pun ngancem gini "KALO NILAI NYA MASIH TETEP JELEK DI SEMESTER 2 NANTI, UDAH GA USAH NONTON LIVERPOOL LAGI". mendengar semua itu saya pun sedih dan mulai berusaha untuk belajar dengan giat. akhirnya nilai saya pun membaik bahkan saya pun mendapatkan peringkat 5 besar di kelas :)
lanjut dikelas 2 sma, saya memilih jurusan IPS karena saya tidak suka fisika!!! makanya pilih IPS. di kelas X1-6 saya tergolong anak yang cerdas LOL :D alhamdulillah di kelas 2 saya mendapatkan peringkat 1 secara berturut turut. di kelas 2 ini juga saya mulai mengikuti exkul FUTSAL. wow banget rasanya. ternyata musuh saya yang bernama si aji itu memberitahu saya bahwa akan diadakan ekskul futsal wanita disekolah.. akhirnya saya pun mengikuti latihan pertama. dan itu adalah moment terbaik yang pernah saya rasakan, BERMAIN FUTSAL. dan itu juga hal pertama yang membuat saya berpikir, si aji memberikan perhatian yang lebih pada saya. kenapa? soalnya di tim itu temen dia bukan cuma gue, tapi ada juga elis, dea dan deva. tapi dia cuma menyapa saya dan bertanya, "gimana kil latihannya cape ga? " nah loh dia ngomong gitu sambil senyum senyum. awalnya sih gue mikir ah itu cuma nyapa doang. eh tapi pas ke sini sini nya ternyata dia meminta no hp saya pada salah satu teman saya. hmmm kenapa ga minta sendiri aja ya?
lupakan hal itu mari berlanjut ke hal lain :D..
dikelas 2 juga saya mulai mengenl 2 sahabat pudlians yang sangattt saya sayangi, RUDI dan KA DINDA. mereka untuk saya bagaikan adik dan kakak untuk saya :D
saya pun naik ke kelas tiga. akhirnya saya sekelas lagi sama yang namanya nilam. hehehe dia emg agk galak tai sebenrnya baik :D dikelas 3 itu penuh dengan perjuangan. seneng susah sama sama X11-7 hahahahaha. semua anaka anak kelas nya asik semuaaaaaa.. emg sih ada beberapa yang krg enak tp its ok lah...........
dikelas 3 juga futsal masih jalan lohhhhhhhh hahahahahaha FUTSAL ITU BAGAI LIBURAN UNTUK SAYA wkwkwkwk waktu itu lawan tanding sama wikrama dan sma saya pun menang hahahaha itu tuh kepuasan batin yang tak terkiraaaaa.. tapi sayang abis itu gak pernah lawan tanding lagi soalnya udah mau UN.
pas perpisahan kelas 3 ga seruuuuuuuuuuuu ga ada seru seru nya semuanyaaa serba muti. tau muti? itu loh peserta mama mia yang gak menang wkwkwkwkwk
semuanya dia buka sambutan dia apa apa dia. kan bosen kalee. ckckckckckc
oh iya lupa pas abis perpisahan, inget si aji kan? dia nembak saya. tapi saya ga terima dia, dan akhirnya dia marah -_____- apa banget.
oh iya sewaktu futsal saya itu ummmmmmm i was fallin loved with a guy. he is my senior.. his name is nurrohman siddiq.. we called him chumank. :* <3 i loved his eyes and his smile.. ohhhhhhhh gooooooooooddddddddddd i really fall in loved with him that time...... im in loved with him when we'd play futsal together...
till now i never meet with him anymore... but its okay bcz i hv someone special else in myheart now !!!!!! and now mylove only for him, for mr torres :* he's teach me how to love, how to care, how to faith... i know im stupid girl bcz i love who's i never meet with that guy, but im believe in Allah... and he is always tell me to believe in Allah and always pray... i always cry if i talk bout this. yehhh im crying now when i writting this... always like that.. hmmmmmmmmmmmm its fine now and i smiling now!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
forget bout love and lets talk bout college right now :D
saya masuk univ gunadarma, dan ga tau kenapa. dan bodohnya saya ga pernah nyoba snmptn hahahaha yaudah lah mungkin jodoh saya emang adanya di gundar. mau cerita apa ya? ummm paling saya ketemu sama orang orang baru, pergaulan baru dan lingkungan baru. pergaulan didepok sama di bogor itu agak sedikit berbeda.. ga tau beda dimananya pokonya beda aja... saya punya temen temen yang baik, nurul, estin, andra, nana, feni, dan si cantik resti LOL wkwkwk
selama kuliah saya itu pulang pergi butuh waktu 2 jam untuk sampe ke kampus. bayangkan gimana capeknya saya. ckckck maka dari itu mulai semester depan insyaallah saya mau ngekos kalo ga bareng gileng ya bareng feni. cukup sekian cerita dari saya.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
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Change begins with you
You must always remember that it is never too late to change your life. Golden rule of thumb: Change begins with you
A day without inspiration and laughter is a day wasted.
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Is Samantha getting stressed out?
Emotional baggage in life
I saw this article today about emotional baggage and enjoyed it. I always like to share good articles :-)
Let Go of Your Old Emotional Baggage Today
By Nick Arrizza
Two things are certain a) everyone is carrying some emotional baggage and b) everyone struggles to keep it at bay. What most don't know is it's now possible to completely and permanent delete old emotional baggage from the subconscious mind so that all ones time, energy and focus can go into creating a happy, fulfilling and successful life. So how does one do that you ask?
Emotional baggage manifests as negative thinking, negative emotions and self sabotaging behaviours that interfere with self esteem, self confidence, self worth, feelings of adequacy, emotional stability, relationships, career success, personal health, and the full expression of one's creative authentic self to name a few.
All emotional baggage results from past negative events/experiences such as old rejections, abuse, abandonment, humiliations, failures etc. These events are all recorded and stored within the subconscious mind as negative memories. Such memories serve as the so called "evidence" for why one believes (and feels) themselves to be inadequate, unlovable, defective, needy, weak, fearful, unattractive and so on.
In other words the negative memories are the "foundation" of "all" old emotional baggage!
What you probably don't know is that memories in the subconscious mind can now be rapidly, easily and permanently erased/deleted from within in much the same way that old unwanted computer files are deleted from the hard drive of your computer.
This erasure requires no drugs, hypnosis, NLP, EFT, or any therapy known on this planet.
So how does it work, you ask?
Well, a decade ago it was realized that negative memories behave much like a "waking dream state" i.e. they are experienced playing themselves out on the screen in the back of the mind in much the same way that dreams you have when asleep float through and captivate your mind at that time.
You are very familiar with how minutes after you awaken from a dream filled sleep the dreams seem to evaporate from consciousness and are next to impossible to recall. Well it turns out that erasing a memory is much like "waking up" from it.
Does that sound strange?
Well, let me use another metaphor. Suppose you went to a stage hypnosis show where you became one of the subjects and happened to be given the suggestion that you would feel and experience yourself as a 5 year old once you left.
If the suggestion never wore off you would continue to think of and experience yourself this way. It's obvious that as a 5 year old, adult responsibilities would feel totally overwhelming to you. Now, isn't that how many adults already feel?
Suppose that days later you ran into the hypnotist and he/she reversed the suggestion so that you could permanently wakeup to the experience of your true capable adult self, wouldn't you feel relieved? Absolutely!
Well, it turns out that negative memories are (and behave) exactly like hypnotic trance like states. The way to wakeup from them is simply to erase them.
A decade ago while researching negative memories a new and powerful coaching algorithm was discovered that allows one to do just this. It is based on helping one uncover the many false beliefs we have about how we think negative memories serve us.
As these memories are systematically deleted the person progressively wakes up to the experience of an empowered, self confident, self assured, self loving, self respecting, discerning, mature, capable, attractive, authentic human being.
What most are amazed by when they experience this is that their true self was always there in the background waiting to be acknowledged and reclaimed.
So if this has peaked your interest and you would like to permanently unload emotional baggage that has been standing in the way of your happiness and success simply visit the web site below where you can request a free introductory 1 hour telephone/Skype consultation that will begin to empower and enliven you.
Nick Arrizza M.D., a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is now an International Expert Life, Relationship & Spiritual Tele-Coach, Author the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process�(MRP).
A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)
Email: Web Site:
Copyright�2012, Nick Arrizza, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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Protecting family inspiration
I saw this one today and it pretty much sums up my feelings on how I feel about protecting family
Wow, a picture really can say a thousand words
Check out the home page for many other inspirational quotes
Strengths and Weaknesses- Getting strength from weakness
How Strength Out of Weakness Works
By Steve Wickham
Gracious Lord:
Give me straight sight,
Ears only for You,
Set my heart right,
So I act on what's true.
Having recently dealt with a day when numerous examples of other people's irresponsibility impacted on me, directly, I lamented how other people's concerns had become my responsibility. Yet other people's obligations can only become our responsibility if we accept them. Part of the problem was mine. I felt weary, neglected, and somewhat angry.
It's amazing what exercise does. A 30-minute sprint on the bike, up hills and into a headwind, and I was sorted. No longer did I feel weak; strength was mine in abundance, and peace.
I had no problems to solve. All I had were opportunities, as the strain-value of the past day's woes vanished in significance. Then I was reminded of the strength we gain from God as we recover from our weaknesses.
Then I discovered, afresh, that not only does peace return with strength, but the ability to see right as well. Our perspective is fixed. The prayer above protects our strength. As strength provides peace and righteousness, both peace and righteousness support strength.
I am mindful of the paradox that avails itself upon us within our weakness. When we are weak we feel weak, but we may never be closer to strength. Weakness facilitates strength. It takes us down to an entirely unacceptable position and from there we have little choice, if we have a strong enough self-interest, but to claw our way out in our resilience.
Nietzsche coined the quote, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger," and he highlighted a truth so compelling it works in every situation we apply it to.
The strange reality of weakness, which is something we don't see in our weakness, and we can only see by faith, is the emergent strength coming, when we can begin to see the truth again, is of a stronger proof than the previous strength. This new strength comes with a punch about it. This new strength compels us to compete. It gives us fresh reason to try. And by this strength we can see the importance of rallying for the purpose at hand.
There is strength available with immediacy out of weakness. Strength out of weakness is stronger than normal strength. It is a recovered strength. It is a strength that is formidable because it knows no reason for fear of failure. This strength, like our salvation, is mighty to save.
Strength out of weakness is stronger strength than normal because there is peace and right sight. This strength inspires a fresh confidence because we overcame the weakness. If weakness cannot overcome us, what can?
� 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and
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How do you define yourself
Moment to Moment - We Define Who We Are and How We Live Life
By Veronique C
We build our life moment to moment and the building blocks we use either defines "our excellence" or "defeats us" through negative mental attitudes... same moment... different mindset.
You and only you have an option to build upon defining moments through empowering mindsets... or not.
Its all in the moment.
The defining moment of choice.
Negative or positive what will you choose.
Negative: from a mind that clouds and deceives you into denial, disagreement, or refusal to be optimistic thereby perceiving situations from a defeatist attitude that builds upon moments that create disastrous results.
Positive: unconditional accountability from a mind that supports you in staying focused on "what you love" creating flow and a level of abundance each step of the way.
It's always your choice. It always within your power to choose to define who you are.
Defining moments of choosing positive over negative allows you to realize that you create your reality through the choices you make... in the moment... from whatever choice you have made... in that moment... you are enough and you have enough.
Realize moments change through choices... a "new moment" can redefine and build anew. Its up to you to choose... differently... if a different outcome is what you want.
Do you want ease, grace and abundance "to be the how" in which you build your life... or not? Your choice... and "only" your choice.
When we define EACH moment through unconditional accountability excellence ensues because when we choose to be unconditionally accountable for our choices... no judgement or blame... guilt or shame... just becoming aware by allowing what was, then choosing differently... this opens your intuition to automatically guide you to the most supportive and logical step to build the life of your dreams more easily, through grace and to receive abundantly. It is what it is!
"Moments" can last a second or feel like an eternity within the same breath. It always relates to what "your" focus is on... negative or positive. You can be real... without being negative. You can call a spade a spade... that's reality... yet when you hate the spade and blame it as the cause of your misery... for simply being what it is... that's when you trip yourself up and fall into the endless trap of placing responsibility outside of what you are in command of... your responses to life situations. You can choose.
When in joy, moments seem to pass quickly. When you are miserable time seems to stand still and hold you captive in misery of your own making. Remember, one moment can define all others and its always your choice on what your focus is on... the negative or the positive of the experience. Let's consider your strongest memories, positive or negative. Notice how your mind created the imagery that defined or establish the character of, gave the meaning to, marked out the boundary or limits of what you clearly defined by your recollection of a precise point in time and how that recollection effected your mood either negatively or positively. How you were effected was "your choice" of how you wanted to experience the moment. Its that simple. And within that simplicity you hold the power to change your life... moment to moment.
Every day we experience thousands of individual moments. Breathes we take every waking day, hour, minute, second, micro second that either secures our well being or defeats our goal of how we want to live life. In some cases, a single encounter can change a life forever. Think of your own defining moments.
One moment can changed us forever. These moments shape who we are and who we will become. We might allow ourselves to be defined by a word of encouragement from a colleague or, just as likely, from a word of that appeared to be discouragement... yet it pushed us to look more closely at our choices.
We might be defined by a moment of victory or failing to achieve what we said we wanted. We might also be defined by a moment when we listened to our intuition or one where we allowed judgment to cloud the issue and it was ultimately found faulty. How about the moment we commit ourselves to a goal or the moment we decide to go another direction, each can be "our" defining moment. WE CAN CHOOSE how we respond... negative or positive. We can be defined by the moment when we come to a resolution to make our family's life experience different than the one we grew up with or the moment we experience a positive illustration of "how to live... how to create" and decide to imitate it. We're maybe defined by the moment when someone believes in us or even the moment of "honest" self-reflection that causes us to positively change.
Yet, if we go back and forth, and we choose to operate through two different mindsets, negative / positive will build moments of full of confusion. Be aware. Be aware of our defining moments, they make us who we are. Our road to being all we can be, our unique excellence is paved with these moments - positive defining moments we create for others.
I remember asking a teacher I had deep admiration for what he thought it would take for me to soar to the next level. With insightful eyes and through his great wisdom he said; from what I see you should probably focus. Focus more on performing where you are currently through excellence instead of than worrying about your next move should be.
A defining moment for me and my forever journey toward being all I can be was through being excellent in my uniqueness. This defining moment taught me that excellence is achieved "in the moment", not in the future. Because all we have is the moment.
Define you moment to moment. Each moment creates a powerful ripple effect that can be felt miles away by everyone. Define someone's moment today!
Building Ushakable Internal Foundations since 1986. Veronique's intensive spiritual quest became expressed in her innovative course The Choice Is Mine. Her work teaches you how to look at life situations so you can know your full potential & act positively on that awareness, to live your dream life sooner rather than later. Take that first step in your professional growth & buy your course today.
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How do you define yourself? Check out the main page of the blog for many other inspirational quotes
Sarcastic quotes-Horse races
- Jay Leno
Meera Chopra joins the cast of Nagarjuna’s Love Story..
Thaman’s High Energy Songs For Baadshah..
Eks Bek Muda Liverpool Meninggal Dunia
Mantan bek Liverpool Miki Roque meninggal di usia 23 setelah mengidap kanker selama satu tahun
Pemain yang berposisi sebagai bek tengah ini bergabung dengan The Reds pada musim panas 2005 dari klub Spanyol Lleida dan berperan besar membantu tim merebut Piala FA Junior di tahun berikutnya.
Fabio Borini Dinginkan Rumor Liverpool
Borini baru saja menjadi milik Roma secara utuh, tapi kabar menyebut dia akan ke Liverpool musim depan
Striker belia Italia ini baru saja dibeli AS Roma secara penuh, setelah di musim lalu berstatusco-ownership antara I Giallorossi dan Parma.
Penampilan impresif Borini di bawah asuhan Luis Enrique membuatnya masuk dalam incaran klub-klub elite, termasuk Liverpool. Kabarnya, The Reds yang kini diarsiteki Brendan Rodgers berminat memboyong Borini ke Anfield.
Martin Skrtel Belum Didekati Manchester City
Skrtel menampik berbagai spekulasi mengenai masa depan dirinya, dan menegaskan menatap musim 2012/13 bersama Liverpool.
Rumor mengenai Skrtel bakal meninggalkan Anfield pada musim panas ini muncul setelah ia menjadi bidikan City. Manajer City Roberto Mancini pernah menyatakan menaruh minat terhadap pemain asal Slowakia ini untuk memperkuat barisan belakang.
Sigurdsson Semakin Dekat Dengan Liverpool
Meaning of forgiveness
What are the benefits of forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of it's immense benefits to the one who forgives.
You practive forgiveness for two reasons. One is to let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with that person; and two, to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment.
Forgiveness moves us out of the past. Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past. by grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new business. Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
Forgiveness sets us free and allows us to move on. Forgiveness makes us better people.
Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-upping, always makes you less than who you are.
Forgiveness strengthens our character. Strengthy of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly.
Forgiveness makes us more loving. We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness. The deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love.
Forgiveness improves our mental and physical health. People who replace anger, hostility, and hatred with forgiveness will have better health overall.
Forgiveness gives us peace of mind and increases our wisdom. A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the true value of time, and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain.
Most of all, Forgiveness honors God.
For much other inspiration, go back to the home page and scroll around
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Jakob Maier
Steve Roggenbuck
there is no need to understand what I say
My Satanic Fitness Regimen (VERY DEMONIC ,WOW MOST EVIL VIDEO!!! 666!)
i have been drunk all year
a bird siting on white cardboard
windowpanes, the cardboard,
a vacuum cord we used to make sine waves in the driveway
eating a slice of white cake when a bird sings by my window
and keep hugging you
("nightnight" published in screaming seahorse #2
(excerpt from "macbook"
(excerpt from "Go Ninja Go" published at Pangur Ban Party
"i bring you this poem by bmx"
i am haveing fun over here haha wow
It's Pouring