Saturday, June 30, 2012

Aku dan negeriku

Pagi ini aku terbangun, mengucap syukur pada Allah yang masih memberikan nafasnya untukku. membuka mata dan melihat indahnya mentari pagi yang bersinar terang dimuka bumi. Memulai hari dengan melihat langit biru nan indah yang menyapa ku dengan senyuman indahnya. Terduduk aku disuatu kursi yang akan membawaku pada sebuah tempatdimana nantinya aku akn belajar tentang semua hal. Ku melihat mereka yang terdiam duduk sendiri menundukan kepala dan tangannya yang terbuka. alangkah sedihnya ku melihat mereka yang hanya bisa meminta dan meminta. Inikah negeriku? negeriku yang sangat kucintai? ini hanya sebagian kecil.  Aku, Aku, Aku, Aku? Apa yang bisa aku lakukan? Apa aku hanya bisa diam melihat semua ini? Tidak. Kata Hati ku berteriak "TOLONG MEREKA TOLONG MEREKA TOLONG MEREKA" Tapi, apalah dayaku, aku hanyalah seorang remaja yang tidak punya banyak uang. Uang? apakah hanya uang yang dapat membatu mereka? Tidak pikirku. Aku terus mencoba berjalan dan berfikir, HOW? Aku berjanji pada Negeriku, aku hidup untuk Indonesia. Untuk mu Negeri ku, Dan Untuk mu saudara ku.

Famous people quotes-Bowhunter

"If Elvis Presley had been a bowhunter, he'd probably be alive today."
- Ted Nugent, rock star


Pep Guardiola Puji Tristan Alif Naufal

Mantan pelatih Barcelona Joseph Guardiola, sudah tiba di Jakarta Sabtu 30 Juni 2012. Mengenakan kemeja kotak-kotak, Guardiola menjumpai penggemarnya.
Dengan menumpang pesawat Thai Airways dari Bangkok, Guardiola mendarat di bandara Soekarno-Hatta siang tadi.
Sesampainya di Jakarta, pelatih yang sudah mempersembahkan 14 gelar bagi Barcelona itu langsung didapuk menjadi narasumber dalam sebuah acara talkshow di RCTI.

Guardiola yang mengenakan setelan pakaian casual kemeja kotak-kotak abu-abu dan celana jeans, menjumpai fansnya yang sebagian besar berasal dari komunitas fans club Barcelona.
Dalam acara yang dipandu Isyana Bagoes Oka, Guardiola sempat memberikan pujian kepada TristanAlif  Naufal, yang juga hadir dalam acara tersebut.

Dalam gurauannya Guardiola mengatakan bahwa dengan bakat yang dimiliki, Tristan pantas untuk masuk tim Barcelona di kemudian hari

Eega Latest Movie Trailers...

Eega Latest Movie Trailers...

Thought for the day-Change looks

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.

-Charles Gordy

Friday, June 29, 2012

Stop procrastinating inspirational work quote

Stop procrastinating inspirational work quote

Many of us do the very same things in our work as well as in our personal lives. I know lots of people who are virtually always late, whether it's to pick up the kids in their car pool, sit down before church starts or prepare food for dinner guests. The interesting part of this tendency isn't the fact that they are always running late, but the excuses that are used. "I had to pick up three kids, I had to make two stops before work, It's tough to get everything done before I run out the door, etc.

Again, I'm not denying that it is tough to get everything done but in most cases, you are working with absolutely known variables. You know exactly what you need to do and how long it is roughly going to take and that there will almost certainly be obstacles to contend with. You are aware of the fact that it is work and it takes a certain amount of time.

To get over procrastination requires humility. The only solution is to admit that, in most instances, you do have the time but you must start a little earlier and make whatever allowances are necessary to ensure that you wont be in a mad rush. By procrastinating, you are creating stress in your life and stress for other people. You need to make an effort to start earlier on a more consistent basis.

Think of how much less stress would be in your life if you would simply begin your tasks a little earlier rather than rushing from one project to the next, you would have plenty of time.

This is a simple yet important suggestion. Once you get in the habit of starting a little earlier, a great deal of your daily stress, at least that portion that you have some degree of control over, will fade away

For many other words of inspirational motivation, check out the home page of the blog
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saya lahir di bogor pada hari senin 08 november 1993, tepatnya pada pukul 3 pagi. saya lahir secara normal.. pada saat  lahir saya sudah bisa berkata heiii..... hahahahaha

masa kecil saya itu sangat menyenangkan. tiap hari saya pasti selalu mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan. sejak kecil saya sangat menyukai cokelat. sampai sampai gigi saya jadi ompong dibuatnya :D macem gini gini..

saya sudah mulai bersekolah pada saat usia saya 6 tahun.. langsung masuk sd kalo ga salah waktu itu........ sewaktu kelas 1 sd saya memang masih kecil tapi sudah bisa mendapatkan peringkat ke sembilan... lalu pada kelas tiga sampai kelas 6 sd saya selalu mendapatkan peringkat 5 besar...

ngomong ngomong soal sd, saya ingat pada saat saya kelas 5 sd saya divonis menderita penyakit plek. itu semacam peyakit gangguan paru paru.. sewaktu kelas 5 saya itu saya sangat kurus. sampai sampai guru saya melarang saya untuk ikut pelajaran olahraga. saya pun menjalani pengobatan selama 1 tahun. dan alhamdulillah akhirnya saya pun sembuh..... :)

lalu pas smp saya bersekolah di sekolah favorit yang ada di bogor.. SMPN 1 CIAWI. semasa smp saya tidak terlalu mengalami masa yang seru hanya saja di smp saya dapat bertemu teman teman yang baik... saya ingat waktu itu temen teman saya atau yang biasa disebut teman genk,,, ada astri, septi, hera, yanti, elis, eka, rezna, sarah, rini. mereka semua teman yang baik.. sampai sekarang kami selalu berhubungan lewat fb, sms dsb.

pada saat smp ini juga tepatnya kelas 2 smp, saya mulai menyukai sepakbola. pertamanya sih saya itu suka sama man utd, tapi pas Mu kalah 3-0 sama milan langsung saya tinggalin itu klub setan. hehehe ( kan julukannya setan merah ) :D
pada semester 2 saya pun mulai jatuh cinta pada Liverpool fc. awalnya saya melihat gerrard yang sedang mau turun dari bis, entah kenapa saya pun mulai jatuh hati :*

sampai sekarang pun saya masih menjadi fans THE REDS. alhamdulillah :)

oh iya belum lengkap ya cerita masa sekolah tanpa cinta? hahahahahaha
sewaktu smp saya mengikuti exkul PMR dan saya bertemu dengan seseorang yang bernama tofik. jujur saya mulai tertarik padanya. tapi dengan berjalannya waktu rasa itu pun hilang.... zzzzzzzzz mari kita masuk masa SMA yang paling menyenangkan untuk saya.. karena dimasa itulah saya menemukan cinta pertama, dan sahabat :)

saya bersekolah di SMAN 1 CIAWI, salah satu sekolah favorit di kab bogor. X-4, itulah kelas pertama saya di SMA, dikelas itu saya mulai bersahabat dengan Nilam, Dea, dan Maulinda. dikelas itu juga saya ketemu musuh bebuyutan saya, namanya Aji. dia fans chelsea :@ tiap hari kerjaannnya ngeledek liverpool terus. tapi dia baik sih sebenarnya. saya pun suka dia. tapi hanya sebatas teman. Prestasi saya dikelas sepuluh sangat jelek :( orang tua saya pun ngancem gini "KALO NILAI NYA MASIH TETEP JELEK DI SEMESTER 2 NANTI, UDAH GA USAH NONTON LIVERPOOL LAGI". mendengar semua itu saya pun sedih dan mulai berusaha untuk belajar dengan giat. akhirnya nilai saya pun membaik bahkan saya pun mendapatkan peringkat 5 besar di kelas :)

lanjut dikelas 2 sma, saya memilih jurusan IPS karena saya tidak suka fisika!!! makanya pilih IPS. di kelas X1-6 saya tergolong anak yang cerdas LOL :D alhamdulillah di kelas 2 saya mendapatkan peringkat 1 secara berturut turut. di kelas 2 ini juga saya mulai mengikuti exkul FUTSAL. wow banget rasanya. ternyata musuh saya yang bernama si aji itu memberitahu saya bahwa akan diadakan ekskul futsal wanita disekolah.. akhirnya saya pun mengikuti latihan pertama. dan itu adalah moment terbaik yang pernah saya rasakan, BERMAIN FUTSAL. dan itu juga hal pertama yang membuat saya berpikir, si aji memberikan perhatian yang lebih pada saya. kenapa? soalnya di tim itu temen dia bukan cuma gue, tapi ada juga elis, dea dan deva. tapi dia cuma menyapa saya dan bertanya, "gimana kil latihannya cape ga? " nah loh dia ngomong gitu sambil senyum senyum. awalnya sih gue mikir ah itu cuma nyapa doang. eh tapi pas ke sini sini nya ternyata dia meminta no hp saya pada salah satu teman saya. hmmm kenapa ga minta sendiri aja ya?

 lupakan hal itu mari berlanjut ke hal lain :D..
dikelas 2 juga saya mulai mengenl 2 sahabat pudlians yang sangattt saya sayangi, RUDI dan KA DINDA. mereka untuk saya bagaikan adik dan kakak untuk saya :D

saya pun naik ke kelas tiga. akhirnya saya sekelas lagi sama yang namanya nilam. hehehe dia emg agk galak tai sebenrnya baik :D dikelas 3 itu penuh dengan perjuangan. seneng susah sama sama X11-7 hahahahaha. semua anaka anak kelas nya asik semuaaaaaa.. emg sih ada beberapa yang krg enak tp its ok lah...........
dikelas 3 juga futsal masih jalan lohhhhhhhh hahahahahaha FUTSAL ITU BAGAI LIBURAN UNTUK SAYA wkwkwkwk waktu itu lawan tanding sama wikrama dan sma saya pun menang hahahaha itu tuh kepuasan batin yang tak terkiraaaaa.. tapi sayang abis itu gak pernah lawan tanding lagi soalnya udah mau UN.

pas perpisahan kelas 3 ga seruuuuuuuuuuuu ga ada seru seru nya semuanyaaa serba muti. tau muti? itu loh peserta mama mia yang gak menang wkwkwkwkwk
semuanya dia buka sambutan dia apa apa dia. kan bosen kalee. ckckckckckc

oh iya lupa pas abis perpisahan, inget si aji kan? dia nembak saya. tapi saya ga terima dia, dan akhirnya dia marah -_____- apa banget.

oh iya sewaktu futsal saya itu ummmmmmm i was fallin loved with a guy. he is my senior.. his name is nurrohman siddiq.. we called him chumank. :* <3 i loved his eyes and his smile.. ohhhhhhhh gooooooooooddddddddddd i really fall in loved with him that time...... im in loved with him when we'd play futsal together...

till now i never meet with him anymore... but its okay bcz i hv someone special else in myheart now !!!!!! and now mylove only for him, for mr torres :* he's teach me how to love, how to care, how to faith... i know im stupid girl bcz i love who's i never meet with that guy, but im believe in Allah... and he is always tell me to believe in Allah and always pray... i always cry if i talk bout this. yehhh im crying now when i writting this... always like that.. hmmmmmmmmmmmm its fine now and i smiling now!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

forget bout love and lets talk bout college right now :D

saya masuk univ gunadarma, dan ga tau kenapa. dan bodohnya saya ga pernah nyoba snmptn hahahaha yaudah lah mungkin jodoh saya emang adanya di gundar. mau cerita apa ya? ummm paling saya ketemu sama orang orang baru, pergaulan baru dan lingkungan baru. pergaulan didepok sama di bogor itu agak sedikit berbeda.. ga tau  beda dimananya pokonya beda aja... saya punya temen temen yang baik, nurul, estin, andra, nana, feni, dan si cantik resti LOL wkwkwk

selama kuliah saya itu pulang pergi butuh waktu 2 jam untuk sampe ke kampus. bayangkan gimana capeknya saya. ckckck maka dari itu mulai semester depan insyaallah saya mau ngekos kalo ga bareng gileng ya bareng feni. cukup sekian cerita dari saya.


I miss you

awkward moment before

Proverbs-Truly rich

The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.

- Yiddish Proverb

Thursday, June 28, 2012

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Change begins with you

Change begins with you

You must always remember that it is never too late to change your life. Golden rule of thumb: Change begins with you

A day without inspiration and laughter is a day wasted.
Check out the home page of the blog for many other inspirational quotes
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Gabbar Singh - 50 Days Movie Posters..

Gabbar Singh - 50 Days Movie Posters..

Is Samantha getting stressed out?

Is too much stress taking a toll on Samantha? This is currently the hottest discussion in film circles ever since news emerged that Samantha might be dropping out of Shankar’s movie with Vikram because of ill health. As we all know, Samantha is currently one of the most popular actresses in the south and she is being signed up for many big budget projects. When working for so many high profile projects at a time, an artiste can get stressed out if the schedules are not managed efficiently.
Too much stress can lead to issues like skin disorders and weight gain and Samantha has been advised some rest to recover fully. The actress already has some big projects lined up and you can safely assume that she will be back with a bang.
Get well soon Samantha. All our good wishes are with you.


Emotional baggage in life

Emotional baggage in life

I saw this article today about emotional baggage and enjoyed it. I always like to share good articles :-)

Let Go of Your Old Emotional Baggage Today

Let Go of Your Old Emotional Baggage Today

By Nick Arrizza

Two things are certain a) everyone is carrying some emotional baggage and b) everyone struggles to keep it at bay. What most don't know is it's now possible to completely and permanent delete old emotional baggage from the subconscious mind so that all ones time, energy and focus can go into creating a happy, fulfilling and successful life. So how does one do that you ask?

Emotional baggage manifests as negative thinking, negative emotions and self sabotaging behaviours that interfere with self esteem, self confidence, self worth, feelings of adequacy, emotional stability, relationships, career success, personal health, and the full expression of one's creative authentic self to name a few.

All emotional baggage results from past negative events/experiences such as old rejections, abuse, abandonment, humiliations, failures etc. These events are all recorded and stored within the subconscious mind as negative memories. Such memories serve as the so called "evidence" for why one believes (and feels) themselves to be inadequate, unlovable, defective, needy, weak, fearful, unattractive and so on.

In other words the negative memories are the "foundation" of "all" old emotional baggage!

What you probably don't know is that memories in the subconscious mind can now be rapidly, easily and permanently erased/deleted from within in much the same way that old unwanted computer files are deleted from the hard drive of your computer.

This erasure requires no drugs, hypnosis, NLP, EFT, or any therapy known on this planet.

So how does it work, you ask?

Well, a decade ago it was realized that negative memories behave much like a "waking dream state" i.e. they are experienced playing themselves out on the screen in the back of the mind in much the same way that dreams you have when asleep float through and captivate your mind at that time.

You are very familiar with how minutes after you awaken from a dream filled sleep the dreams seem to evaporate from consciousness and are next to impossible to recall. Well it turns out that erasing a memory is much like "waking up" from it.

Does that sound strange?

Well, let me use another metaphor. Suppose you went to a stage hypnosis show where you became one of the subjects and happened to be given the suggestion that you would feel and experience yourself as a 5 year old once you left.

If the suggestion never wore off you would continue to think of and experience yourself this way. It's obvious that as a 5 year old, adult responsibilities would feel totally overwhelming to you. Now, isn't that how many adults already feel?

Suppose that days later you ran into the hypnotist and he/she reversed the suggestion so that you could permanently wakeup to the experience of your true capable adult self, wouldn't you feel relieved? Absolutely!

Well, it turns out that negative memories are (and behave) exactly like hypnotic trance like states. The way to wakeup from them is simply to erase them.

A decade ago while researching negative memories a new and powerful coaching algorithm was discovered that allows one to do just this. It is based on helping one uncover the many false beliefs we have about how we think negative memories serve us.

As these memories are systematically deleted the person progressively wakes up to the experience of an empowered, self confident, self assured, self loving, self respecting, discerning, mature, capable, attractive, authentic human being.

What most are amazed by when they experience this is that their true self was always there in the background waiting to be acknowledged and reclaimed.

So if this has peaked your interest and you would like to permanently unload emotional baggage that has been standing in the way of your happiness and success simply visit the web site below where you can request a free introductory 1 hour telephone/Skype consultation that will begin to empower and enliven you.

Nick Arrizza M.D., a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is now an International Expert Life, Relationship & Spiritual Tele-Coach, Author the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process�(MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Email: Web Site:

Copyright�2012, Nick Arrizza, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source:

Protecting family inspiration

Protecting family inspiration

I saw this one today and it pretty much sums up my feelings on how I feel about protecting family

Wow, a picture really can say a thousand words

Check out the home page for many other inspirational quotes

Strengths and Weaknesses- Getting strength from weakness

Strengths and Weaknesses- Getting strength from weakness

How Strength Out of Weakness Works

How Strength Out of Weakness Works

By Steve Wickham

Gracious Lord:

Give me straight sight,

Ears only for You,

Set my heart right,

So I act on what's true.



Having recently dealt with a day when numerous examples of other people's irresponsibility impacted on me, directly, I lamented how other people's concerns had become my responsibility. Yet other people's obligations can only become our responsibility if we accept them. Part of the problem was mine. I felt weary, neglected, and somewhat angry.

It's amazing what exercise does. A 30-minute sprint on the bike, up hills and into a headwind, and I was sorted. No longer did I feel weak; strength was mine in abundance, and peace.

I had no problems to solve. All I had were opportunities, as the strain-value of the past day's woes vanished in significance. Then I was reminded of the strength we gain from God as we recover from our weaknesses.

Then I discovered, afresh, that not only does peace return with strength, but the ability to see right as well. Our perspective is fixed. The prayer above protects our strength. As strength provides peace and righteousness, both peace and righteousness support strength.


I am mindful of the paradox that avails itself upon us within our weakness. When we are weak we feel weak, but we may never be closer to strength. Weakness facilitates strength. It takes us down to an entirely unacceptable position and from there we have little choice, if we have a strong enough self-interest, but to claw our way out in our resilience.

Nietzsche coined the quote, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger," and he highlighted a truth so compelling it works in every situation we apply it to.

The strange reality of weakness, which is something we don't see in our weakness, and we can only see by faith, is the emergent strength coming, when we can begin to see the truth again, is of a stronger proof than the previous strength. This new strength comes with a punch about it. This new strength compels us to compete. It gives us fresh reason to try. And by this strength we can see the importance of rallying for the purpose at hand.


There is strength available with immediacy out of weakness. Strength out of weakness is stronger than normal strength. It is a recovered strength. It is a strength that is formidable because it knows no reason for fear of failure. This strength, like our salvation, is mighty to save.

Strength out of weakness is stronger strength than normal because there is peace and right sight. This strength inspires a fresh confidence because we overcame the weakness. If weakness cannot overcome us, what can?

� 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

Article Source:

Visit the home page of the blog for many other inspirational quotes
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How do you define yourself

How do you define yourself?

Moment to Moment - We Define Who We Are and How We Live Life

Moment to Moment - We Define Who We Are and How We Live Life

By Veronique C

We build our life moment to moment and the building blocks we use either defines "our excellence" or "defeats us" through negative mental attitudes... same moment... different mindset.

You and only you have an option to build upon defining moments through empowering mindsets... or not.

Its all in the moment.

The defining moment of choice.

Negative or positive what will you choose.

Negative: from a mind that clouds and deceives you into denial, disagreement, or refusal to be optimistic thereby perceiving situations from a defeatist attitude that builds upon moments that create disastrous results.

Positive: unconditional accountability from a mind that supports you in staying focused on "what you love" creating flow and a level of abundance each step of the way.

It's always your choice. It always within your power to choose to define who you are.

Defining moments of choosing positive over negative allows you to realize that you create your reality through the choices you make... in the moment... from whatever choice you have made... in that moment... you are enough and you have enough.

Realize moments change through choices... a "new moment" can redefine and build anew. Its up to you to choose... differently... if a different outcome is what you want.

Do you want ease, grace and abundance "to be the how" in which you build your life... or not? Your choice... and "only" your choice.

When we define EACH moment through unconditional accountability excellence ensues because when we choose to be unconditionally accountable for our choices... no judgement or blame... guilt or shame... just becoming aware by allowing what was, then choosing differently... this opens your intuition to automatically guide you to the most supportive and logical step to build the life of your dreams more easily, through grace and to receive abundantly. It is what it is!

"Moments" can last a second or feel like an eternity within the same breath. It always relates to what "your" focus is on... negative or positive. You can be real... without being negative. You can call a spade a spade... that's reality... yet when you hate the spade and blame it as the cause of your misery... for simply being what it is... that's when you trip yourself up and fall into the endless trap of placing responsibility outside of what you are in command of... your responses to life situations. You can choose.

When in joy, moments seem to pass quickly. When you are miserable time seems to stand still and hold you captive in misery of your own making. Remember, one moment can define all others and its always your choice on what your focus is on... the negative or the positive of the experience. Let's consider your strongest memories, positive or negative. Notice how your mind created the imagery that defined or establish the character of, gave the meaning to, marked out the boundary or limits of what you clearly defined by your recollection of a precise point in time and how that recollection effected your mood either negatively or positively. How you were effected was "your choice" of how you wanted to experience the moment. Its that simple. And within that simplicity you hold the power to change your life... moment to moment.

Every day we experience thousands of individual moments. Breathes we take every waking day, hour, minute, second, micro second that either secures our well being or defeats our goal of how we want to live life. In some cases, a single encounter can change a life forever. Think of your own defining moments.

One moment can changed us forever. These moments shape who we are and who we will become. We might allow ourselves to be defined by a word of encouragement from a colleague or, just as likely, from a word of that appeared to be discouragement... yet it pushed us to look more closely at our choices.

We might be defined by a moment of victory or failing to achieve what we said we wanted. We might also be defined by a moment when we listened to our intuition or one where we allowed judgment to cloud the issue and it was ultimately found faulty. How about the moment we commit ourselves to a goal or the moment we decide to go another direction, each can be "our" defining moment. WE CAN CHOOSE how we respond... negative or positive. We can be defined by the moment when we come to a resolution to make our family's life experience different than the one we grew up with or the moment we experience a positive illustration of "how to live... how to create" and decide to imitate it. We're maybe defined by the moment when someone believes in us or even the moment of "honest" self-reflection that causes us to positively change.

Yet, if we go back and forth, and we choose to operate through two different mindsets, negative / positive will build moments of full of confusion. Be aware. Be aware of our defining moments, they make us who we are. Our road to being all we can be, our unique excellence is paved with these moments - positive defining moments we create for others.

I remember asking a teacher I had deep admiration for what he thought it would take for me to soar to the next level. With insightful eyes and through his great wisdom he said; from what I see you should probably focus. Focus more on performing where you are currently through excellence instead of than worrying about your next move should be.

A defining moment for me and my forever journey toward being all I can be was through being excellent in my uniqueness. This defining moment taught me that excellence is achieved "in the moment", not in the future. Because all we have is the moment.

Define you moment to moment. Each moment creates a powerful ripple effect that can be felt miles away by everyone. Define someone's moment today!

Building Ushakable Internal Foundations since 1986. Veronique's intensive spiritual quest became expressed in her innovative course The Choice Is Mine. Her work teaches you how to look at life situations so you can know your full potential & act positively on that awareness, to live your dream life sooner rather than later. Take that first step in your professional growth & buy your course today.

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How do you define yourself? Check out the main page of the blog for many other inspirational quotes

Sarcastic quotes-Horse races

According to The New York Times, Mexican drug cartels launder millions and million of dollars through horse races. I hate to see something like betting on horses become corrupt and seedy? What's next, boxing?
- Jay Leno

Meera Chopra joins the cast of Nagarjuna’s Love Story..

Meera Chopra’s second innings in Telugu film industry couldn’t have gotten off to a better start. She has been roped in to play an important role in Nagarjuna’s upcoming film Love Story. Meera Chopra was last seen in Nithin’s Maaro and after its debacle, she decided to take a long break from films. This is the first film she has signed after a long hiatus. Dasarath is directing the film and the film’s principal shooting has already begun in Hyderabad. D Sivaprasad Reddy is producing the film on Kamakshi Kala Movies banner. Nayanthara is playing the lead role in the film and Nagarjuna is playing the role of an NRI who comes to India for the first time. Thaman is scoring the music and Anil Bhandari is the cinematographer.


Thaman’s High Energy Songs For Baadshah..

Music director Thaman is reportedly scoring some high energy tunes for Young Tiger NTR’s ‘Baadshah’. This movie is being directed by Sreenu Vaitla and Thaman has a good understanding with him. The film is a stylish action entertainer and Srinu Vaitla has worked with Thaman closely for the music.
One of the singers for the movie, Harini Ramachandran, tweeted about the same. ” Recorded such a high energy, fun song with a whole bunch of singers today for ‪#baadshah‬… Sure shot Anthem song, that! Thaman maha rocking!”
‘Baadshah’ will begin its first schedule from July 1st in Italy. Kajal Aggarwal is the heroine in this movie and Ganesh Babu is the producer.


Eks Bek Muda Liverpool Meninggal Dunia

Mantan bek Liverpool Miki Roque meninggal di usia 23 setelah mengidap kanker selama satu tahun

Miki Roqué
Getty Images
Kabar duka kembali datang dari dunia sepakbola. Mantan pemain Liverpool, Miki Roque, mengembuskan napas terakhir di usianya yang masih sangat muda, 23, Minggu (24/6) waktu setempat akibat kanker.

Pemain yang berposisi sebagai bek tengah ini bergabung dengan The Reds pada musim panas 2005 dari klub Spanyol Lleida dan berperan besar membantu tim merebut Piala FA Junior di tahun berikutnya. 

sumber :

Fabio Borini Dinginkan Rumor Liverpool

Borini baru saja menjadi milik Roma secara utuh, tapi kabar menyebut dia akan ke Liverpool musim depan

Fabio Borini - Roma (Getty Images)
Getty Images
Fabio Borini berusaha mendinginkan rumor yang mengaitkan namanya dengan Liverpool di lantai bursa.

Striker belia Italia ini baru saja dibeli AS Roma secara penuh, setelah di musim lalu berstatusco-ownership antara I Giallorossi dan Parma.

Penampilan impresif Borini di bawah asuhan Luis Enrique membuatnya masuk dalam incaran klub-klub elite, termasuk Liverpool. Kabarnya, The Reds yang kini diarsiteki Brendan Rodgers berminat memboyong Borini ke Anfield.

Martin Skrtel Belum Didekati Manchester City

Skrtel menampik berbagai spekulasi mengenai masa depan dirinya, dan menegaskan menatap musim 2012/13 bersama Liverpool.

Martin Skrtel - Liverpool (Getty Images)

Bek Liverpool Martin Skrtel menegaskan, belum ada satu pun klub, termasuk Manchester City, yang melakukan pendekatan untuk mendapatkan dirinya pada bursa transfer musim panas ini.

Rumor mengenai Skrtel bakal meninggalkan Anfield pada musim panas ini muncul setelah ia menjadi bidikan City. Manajer City Roberto Mancini pernah menyatakan menaruh minat terhadap pemain asal Slowakia ini untuk memperkuat barisan belakang.

sumber :

Sigurdsson Semakin Dekat Dengan Liverpool

Gylfi Sigurdsson/AP 
Click to enlarge

Gylfi Sigurdsson/AP
Kedatangan Brendan Rodgers sebagai manajer anyar Liverpool mulai musim depan, berpengaruh besar bagi masa depan Gylfi Sigurdsson.
Pemain Hoffenheim yang bersinar bersama Swansea City musim lalu ini dikabarkan sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan The Reds.
Sang pemain sendiri sebenarnya sudah menyetujui kesepakatan personal untuk bergabung dengan Swansea musim depan. Namun, kepergian Rodgers ke Liverpool, membuat sang pemain berpikir ulang.
Pasalnya, Rodgers adalah salah satu faktor pemain Islandia ini betah di Swansea.
Dilansir dari BBC , Liverpool siap membayar delapan juta pounds kepada Hoffenheim dan mendatangkan sang pemain pada pekan depan. (Redzi)

Meaning of forgiveness

Meaning of forgiveness

What are the benefits of forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of it's immense benefits to the one who forgives.

You practive forgiveness for two reasons. One is to let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with that person; and two, to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment.

Forgiveness moves us out of the past. Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past. by grievances that do not permit life to proceed with new business. Forgiveness means letting go of the past.

Forgiveness sets us free and allows us to move on. Forgiveness makes us better people.

Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-upping, always makes you less than who you are.

Forgiveness strengthens our character. Strengthy of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly.

Forgiveness makes us more loving. We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness. The deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love.

Forgiveness improves our mental and physical health. People who replace anger, hostility, and hatred with forgiveness will have better health overall.

Forgiveness gives us peace of mind and increases our wisdom. A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the true value of time, and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain.

Most of all, Forgiveness honors God.

For much other inspiration, go back to the home page and scroll around
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Steve Roggenbuck
Joe Vaughan
Thom James
Angela Shier
Crispin Best
Stephanie Cook
Jakob Maier
Dave Shaw
Grace Millard
Walter McKay
Heath Ison
Amelia Gillis
Santino Dela
James Ganas
Hannah O’Brien
Sarah Jean Alexander

Steve Roggenbuck

there is no need to understand what I say

My Satanic Fitness Regimen (VERY DEMONIC ,WOW MOST EVIL VIDEO!!! 666!)


god help me im not planning on geting pregnant
i have been drunk all year

a bird siting on white cardboard

windowpanes, the cardboard,
a vacuum cord we used to make sine waves in the driveway

eating a slice of white cake when a bird sings by my window

Joe Vaughn

i am quiet and drunk somewhere sending text messages in the dark

tonight i am going to be quiet and drunk

you are going to kiss things in the near distance

then i am going to send text messages to everyone
about beautiful things

people will read the text messages
then they will cry

then i am going to find a vanishing cloak
and wear it
and i am going to vanish
from everything that sees

and not even the moon will be able to see me

and the text messages will be sad text messages
and basic menial things will become beautiful

crying will become beautiful

and the sun crashing into planet earth
can be expressed in numerous, menial ways as
terrible, sad, or very beautiful

and even a hole in my trousers
can not be seen
when there is no-one left anywhere
to see things at all

(facebook comment by Sam Rae)

(words from a facebook comment by sam rae)

("wow i didn't know it was raining")

23:52 p.m. (also i am officially 19 years old now very rare, boosted, jacked, in love with life and thank you for journeying with me all of you, beautiful friends, and i love you all)

there is an iron cast bottle in my hand
i look at it with my right eye
and think “i’m serious”
beneath the quick, standing fan
smiling into facebook chat
like a fast star

when i say “i’m optimistic”
i mean “i have not given up faith
on our potential to exist
and love each other
and everything too”

i am 19 years old in like 8 minutes
shy bubbles on the surface
of the iron cast bottle
quote the mamas and the papas
then morrissey

and i look at your hands and you look
at my face
and “you can never be in love”
seems like a myth

and i’m eating birthday cake early
like 8 minutes before my 19th birthday
and it’s beautiful
and beneath the quick, standing fan
mapped out dust constellations
whisper in a way that suggests
“do not give up faith
on our potential”
and “love each other
and everything too”

rewind, rewind

hello youp it’s 13:24 p.m. on a fryday and we’re beginning, or we’re haf way thru this awsome journey thru the possum roads and the whale sea. there are dolphins and sharks and plankton and green lights and i am already missing you two tiems. they say the feeling is “the sadness of dead albatross,” the languor of sad animals that arent extinct yet. well im missing youp a third tiem. we are alive, we are alive in the dolphin storm, and sometimes thsi is the saddest thing, th saddest light since sadness etself

and i dont even remember only that “you were very beautiful” and when we spoke i thought “thsi is the world” and “there must be god.” or “fate” bcos things seemed to be in their right place a fever i havnt had since the wirld began {thsi is waht a heart attack must feil like}

in 1993 oh my god i dont know at all i want to be like a wet rib on an operating stand. i want to rewind until u cant go back further until u can see the sun start, i want that christ, i turnd myself into a tree and now i am a part of the sad happy ocean sand jesus chist this

is the sadness of albatrosses! i want to cry into the trackpad “rewind” but tiem is kicking me now kicking me hardly in this movei, this is the movie, thsi is the real lif

and you want to get ovir this you cant and you try and you cant and you try and you cant and thsi is it, the best failure yet, the best failure since the sun starts

well jesus christ i lop youp

its over it’s 13:24 p.m. on a fryday just past lonch and we’re beginning, or we’re haf way thru this awsome journey thru the possum roads and the whale sea

and this is th best failure i have ever echievd

damn damn damn damn i lop yiup

Thom James

improvised poem 2 “i am the love child of sylvia plath and ted hughes”

great look what you have done now
you have made the fucking squid multiply into a thousand beings
and now it is going to kill us all

i will run upstairs
i will shout:
and sylvia plath and ted hughes will look at me
and i will say
they will look at me
pat me on the back
and give me praise for my artistic merit

and then go back to being depressed and writing about animals
wow i have more imagination than the both of them

improvised poem 1 “fucking stupid hair quiff”

wow, ok, imagine we are in the middle ages :)
we’re just sitting down
i would be over half of my average life expectancy
when people lived to like, 32.

i would have had my mid-life stupid thing by now :)
i would have bought cars and tailored suits

but because this is the middle ages
i would buy an old car like,
a saxo or something :(

i would tell my other half
“stop it”
“i am a father to 8 off springs”
“i shall have my fun”
“i will talk to the next door neighbour if i want”

see ya i need to graze some cows now

Angela Shier

(collaborative poem by Angela Shier and James Ganas)

("another poem" published in have u seen my whale #1

i will hug you until you throw up
and keep hugging you

("nightnight" published in screaming seahorse #2

Crispin Best

(excerpt from "A Child Climbs Out of the Top of My Skull" published at Robot Melon, issue 7

The top part of my head comes off and that beanstalk from Super Mario starts growing out of it and it goes up up up and when you climb up the beanstalk you find that at the top it's just clouds and there are no boxes or gold coins or power-ups or anything so you have to jump and fall all the way back down to Earth but that's OK because the worst that will happen is your hat will almost come off and then land back on your head again.

The top part of my head comes off and is immediately replaced by another top part of my head which comes off and is immediately replaced by another top part and so on until eventually you get bored and remember you arranged to see your cousin at the planetarium today and when you go to the planetarium it's just fine but nothing more than that.

The top part of my head comes off and you see a tiny hand and a child climbs up out of my skull and gasps for air and then hauls itself up and out and jumps down to the ground and looks up at you and dares you to kick it in the head and you really think about it for a second but decide it's probably a bad idea, then the child starts doing really bad cartwheels and you feel bad for it and then you kick the child.

(excerpt from "macbook"

(excerpt from "Go Ninja Go" published at Pangur Ban Party

April O’Neil

April O’Neil is doing sit-ups on the floor of her living room. She is wearing a yellow sweatsuit.

There is a soap opera on the TV.

A boy is kissing a girl on the TV.

April stops doing sit-ups and watches

The boy on the TV looks very serious and says,

- Happy zero anniversary.

April laughs.

April does some more sit-ups.

A girl on the TV is getting kidnapped now.

A lady on the TV is really drunk now.

A man on the TV is crying and shouting now.

"i bring you this poem by bmx"

(opening lines from "I’M SO HAPPIE I COULD DIET" published in Pop Serial #3

welcome to our life together

oh surprise: i am a dog

i am a naked sort of dog for you

touch my front with yours

then put me in my business suit

Stephanie Cook

("I don't want to die" from Stephanie's ebook "a printed book: titled a book on the internet"

(selections from Stephanie's twitter and facebook statuses, edited by me)

"accept it and keep going"

"the suffering you allow into yourself through other people can be alleviated through love as well if you will manifest it to be. to relieve people is to relieve you and love conquers all. that is it that is all there is. is you and love. and whatever you make of this right now so let it go and be happy because i love you"

"if the dishes are dirty you should either wash them or get the fuck out of there and never look back"

"never sleeping again goodmorning i love you wake up goodmorning i love you wake up"

"feed me dead things and i will burn over and over i am on fire"

"right now is a good time to start being happy"

"if you were unaware of this moment, don't worry! here is another"

"wooo i am alive"

"shapeshifting into a dog"

"shapeshifter dog"

"i am inside the dog"


Jakob Maier

(excerpts from “May” ebook

may 2 2012
now that i am somewhere quiet
i think that i will go ahead
and say something ive been thinking
for the past few seconds

may 6 2012
the warm sidewalk is my home now
i slip through the cracks in the concrete
and whisper to my parents over the phone
if you can share a bathroom with 5 people
you have room for one more

may 16 2012
where are all my fingers
and all my toes
when i want to count
into the middle of the night
and all the way back too

may 20 2012
i missed the super moon because of the clouds
i missed the fiery eclipse because of the clouds
right now i am missing you because of the clouds

may 22 2012
i am finishing with big things
i am finished with other things
i finish small things daily
if you start me you will never finish

may 31 2012
freshman year of high school i received the junior varsity basketball team hustle award
it is important that you know this about me

Dave Shaw

(excerpts from “Less Of Everything” ebook, published at Nap Magazine

Anxiety reads about thirty lines of The Canterbury Tales for his next class and then stops to think “fuck” in all capital letters.


Anxiety drinks from a glass that is mostly vodka and ice. “I feel sort of fucked. I think I am experiencing anhedonia.”

Paul tells him to shut up and throws a cigarette butt at him.


Later Indifference and Anxiety are watching a movie and lying on Indifference’s bed.

The movie is from 1935 and is supposed to be a horror movie. Indifference moves her head so it is touching Anxiety’s head and Anxiety traces the tips of his fingers down Indifference’s arm.

An actress in the movie says “I’ve been up all night... With dead people!” They laugh and Anxiety says he is going to say that on Twitter later. “This is good,” says Indifference, “I like this.”


“Are you telling me he is a murderer AND a horticulturalist?”


Later Anxiety is sitting in Subway and reading a book of short stories by Breece D’J Pancake. He texts Indifference and says he is looking forward to tonight. Indifference texts back lyrics to a song by Pepper Rabbit. The employees at Subway speak to each other in Spanish. Anxiety thinks about maybe buying a new sweater. Subway is almost entirely empty. Anxiety rubs his head absently and flips a page of his book.


Indifference puts her nose against Anxiety’s chin. She smiles and says she wants to go out and have a cigarette. They go outside and Indifference asks a large man with a beard and well maintained hair if she can borrow a lighter. The large man leans over and lights her cigarette for her. The large man addresses Anxiety as ‘son’ and tells him he should always carry a lighter. The large man asks if Indifference and Anxiety are together or what. Anxiety says ‘noooo?’ and Indifference makes a noise and looks at Anxiety and Anxiety feels a little confused and embarrassed.

“Always carry a lighter, brother,” says the large man, as he walks away.

("on a bullet train..." published at

on a bullet train going past Mount Fuji and here is you like an idiot not looking out the window at Mount Fuji

He was the younger brother

sometimes we would worry about him

and the things we would find in his bedroom
or in his Internet browser history

and just say to ourselves
‘why not just delete your browser history’

he used to talk about how the moon and the sun were binary opposites

we never said anything

but like


the moon means nothing to the sun

who cares

just a bunch of cosmic-ass bullshit

"this is your life now" ebook

Grace Millard

you might remember me, cautious in the
walking stick of your big hands
i am inside the supermarket counting
clockwise the way of my feet and i
can feel the stare of a former looking-lover

i dont not look into his eye for they are the thins
they reach through the canned soup display and weave a path
passed over-parched greens and i can still
see the smoke blow through your hair
even when i write chemistry equations long lived on my arm

i feel the scented candle sky open upon a newly cut crack in the cement
and i push a swerving cart over to you
dingy in my too-big shorts and plastic laugh
i will ask you for the time and you will say it is not your time yet, darling

twenty five scents to fill up my love cups and big eyes
in the reflection of the grinding finds inside of a watermelon daydream
sweep the floor right after my feet have touched the ground, angel
i become worthy in the worry free wormed up apple graveyard

i will still love you in a way that is cloudy and clammy
the hand on a number 2 i let you peruse my skin
but like the meat section i am still not the rare bird you are looking for 

i am upset tha t
thisss  is n ot my skin and
you are very beautiful and
i am makeing you a lil nest in the Crooked of my shoulder blades 
i am crying for a million different

‘you’ ses

i am tear dropping into the (river lake creek )
creak creak my joints

mmmmmmmmmmm MM

o seamonster sweetheart
let me kiss you in the great lakes

and let me kiss you on the bridges
to every other county
you can kiss me on the forehead bc i think
Michigan is a metaphor for love

(i grab hold of the Earth, She does not mind)
(she grabs hold of your heart one m,ore time —
              i only mind a little) (i have you, i think, and i believe i can hurt you in a better way) …

i am whispering thank you thank you thank you (always always lets us
       always Be strange) 


um i am beautiful people
i will be okay even if i get sad tonight
i will probably be very sad at 1:17 am tonight
i think you are so beautiful
my brain keeps flipping the sane switch
off on off on off on off on off on off o   n
i want to puke
no i dont thats bad i want to be happy
i want to be happy around you
i want to be kissing everyone
romantically and unromantic
(on off on off on off on o  f     f)
i look ugly today but i am not sad about it
indifferent toward my appearance because i am an alien
i’ve made up my own u.f.o. language
these human words are oppressive:
awkward, nerd, crazy, bitch, soda.
please send me and invite to ur bday
i love you please understand i hope
i am not clingy i am just enthusiastic about your existence

do u want to hug me
i want to curl up inside of you
inside your literal lungs
i want to actually breathe you
strangle me with clotted love arteries
i cry at romantic comedies
bc i am not a part of you
at least not yet
at least we could set a time and place
for the acquirement of your new
heart valve (it is actually me)
(    )
i am your absolute pacemaker 
i am the graceful faker of
your assigned beat taker 

i want to kiss you in the middle of an ocean
the atlantic (the salt evaporates)
and then not speak for a month
also the only sign language i could know is ‘thank you’

i will breathe little spokenings into the concaves
of a careful wrist, require the jumbles of my bumbling
to be recorded on a four thousand square foot
fortress. its not excess if you are standing
on a mountain top, bleeding from the beauty

i will forgo the wishes and drop you into a well
of tiny tears that i cried for all the last pages of all the books
and you shook me off and you crooked and looked ahead
but the dead lights won’t turn on anymore, honey,
the starving can’t warn me of the losing part of my cloudy eyes

you are my blindspot i think
like you disappear from view and i am left
sitting in pews of empty fields or maybe aisle ten of walmart
but please don’t beg me to start the howling because i will
and i won’t let go until someone punches me in the throat  

Walter Mackey

(excerpts from the e-book "sad plaid"  

your face is pressed against 
the computer screen and 
my face is pressed against 
the computer screen and 
somehow we are kissing 
even though a familiar 
ocean lies between us

august 6th, 2010

dear diary
i saw sigur rós play last night at kaff akureyri
and when jónsi began to sing
i started to cry
because i knew that you would only hear his voice
through the busted speakers of your car
because you told me that you could never afford to leave the country
and my jeans and dreams and life was wild
but at the end of the night
when i was walking home
i saw a single red feather on the street
that jónsi had tucked behind his ear
and in a drunken revelation
i knew he dropped it for me
so i picked it up and brought it home
just for you

("Possibly, Maybe" by Walter Mackey)

tim jones-yelvington


You see, the best part of working in a photo lab is the feeling you get that you are not alone.  You know people.  You know entire families.  You share their intimate moments and details with them and you become part of their family.  You celebrate their birthdays, their weddings, their new pets, their old pets, their sex games, their 50th wedding anniversaries, their fishing trips, their trips to Cancun, their trips to nowhere at all, their pictures of their feet, their pictures of their hands, face, eyes, lips.    It feels easy to blend into their photographs and become a little snippet of their 4 x 6 lives.  Most people don’t realize that their film will tell a story, paint a picture of a stranger to a stranger.  We’re not supposed to really look at the photos, we’re supposed to be fast, efficient, develop the product and get it to the customer in less than one hour.  But I look.  I stare.  I make friends with the nameless faces.

There’s Mrs. Cavour, who only manages to take pictures of her cats—Emily and Charlotte, named after her two favourite writers, of course.  It’s clear that she was never married, or maybe she killed her husband.  I’ve never seen her hair not in a messy bun.  She reeks of cat piss.  I want to tell her it’s okay, but I don’t think she understands human words.  Once, I swear I saw her open a can of cat food in the pet aisle and taste-test it.  I had a nightmare once that Mrs. Cavour stopped coming in with her cat photos because she had died and her dead body was being slowly consumed by her starving cats.  I can see this becoming a reality in the next five-to-six years.

("selected published tweets about kissing" published in screaming seahorse #5

selected published tweets about kissing by walter mackey

kiss mee in the light of the moon kiss me for the fifrst time on the lip

kiss me in your twin siezed bed squeeze me with ur arms until i snap in2 like a twig

kiss me while we are playin super nintendo kiss me while i am effing donkey kong and im rollin in the jungle

kiss me while we listen 2 death cab for cutie in ur back porch and it is 4 am and you are sad

kiss me while we watch a movie and i put my arm around you but retract it cuz im too nervous but then u grab my arm in put it around u

kiss me while u are drunk with ur googly eyes n kiss me while u are holdin ur cell phne between ur tits

kissing me while u are peeing on the toilet kiss me whil you are sittin there and letting it all hang out

kiss me a million times but dont forget to kiss me a million times more

when u kiss me it feels like there is a fish stuck on my lips but in reality you are the fish and your lips feel good on my lips

when u kiss me i feel like the moon is coming closer to earth and earth is growing arms and hugging the moon and the moon is smiling

when u kiss me it is like a vhs tape that is like rly broken and u gotta fix the tracking but u cant find the remote so u just watch it

when i kiss u i kiss u with all of my heart and with my lips and i make sure u feel the same thing i feel which is love

when we kiss it is like a million hamsters are jumping and runnig on a wheel and the wheel is in the middle of a field and not a cage

when i kiss you a dolphin gives birth to a unicorn every single time without fail and nobody documents it because they are too busy kissing

when i kiss u it feels like i climb mt everest but when i am not kissing u it feels like i am dying on mt everest

when i kiss u i want to tell the world but the world dont wanna hear it so i just make a facebook status about it and it gets like 7 likes

the next time i kiss u i will take a pic on my tmobile sidekick and i will send it to my email and i will post it on tumblr ok

leave me a picture comment on myspace and kiss me seven times in real life when u see me

kiss me while we eat turkey at thanksgiving but close ur mouth cuz i am vegetarian and i only eat tofurkey and there is turkey in ur mouth

kiss me at christmas time because i am the gift wrapped up under the tree in the tiniest box and i have a bow and i am suffocating in here

kiss me under a tree and stay there for 63 years and then the tree will grow around us and we will be kissing for the longest time ever

Heath Ison

(opening lines from "The Cut-Up Man" published at Metazen

Rushing in blindly like

eager, blunt languages

that penetrate the blank

canvas like a riot.

Sometimes, a minor bit

of force is required.

("My Soul May Be An Enigma But My Veins Are Like Barbed Wire" 
published at Banango Street #1

My soul may be an enigma…

whispering, faintly, it only tunes to static.
I tend to create poetry driving in my car with
the fear of dazing off into oncoming traffic, or
with the fear of hitting a cracked-out suicidal hobo.
Either or I would claim both as a rewarding
accomplishment to say I have reached
a new transcendental profoundness.
Sidereal eyes peek into cosmic closets.
I saw a Jesus in there with an upside-down
frown and he was outfitting a mannequin with
a pink bow tie.
Your tongues taste like Jolly Ranchers and
you are all colorfully rotoscoped.

…but my veins are like barbed-wire.

You messaged me today.
Yes, I know I’m a worthless human being.
Hey, I know I’m a piece of shit, so no need
to remind me as far as that goes.
I’d just as soon count my cancers backwards
on my fingers than to be murdered softly
by silence.
I run like a Flock of Seagulls, but
those tyrannical beasts outfitted in black
business suits still bombard me. They
ravage me politely, laugh, and then
strut away while tossing me a white
t-shirt with black printed words that
say, Paranoid Much?


Amelia Gillis

have you ever experienced unrequited love?



because everyone is blackness until someone takes the blindfold off

"a collage of phrases taken from the Gillis facebook page"

i want to eat your thoughts

until they physically fall out of me

i want to think of all emotions

until they are on a sign in front of you

i want you to stop at all costs

when you see the sign

and tear it to shreds before me

so that i finally get a taste

of not being kissed

Santino Dela

(facebook status)

strange, yet incredibly fulgent creatures gallop through the forests of our mind in perfect time when suddenly, everything seems divine, we have realized the secrets of retaining our 'beginners mind' ~namaste~

(poem from Santino's poetry ebook "kiss me like i'm a baby"

kiss me like i'm a baby

give birth to a new universe
open my eyes because i am blind
to everything that is beautiful
tear my heart apart with your lies
plugged ears can't hear the city cry
fly me around i am your personal spaceship
destroy all of my organs with your radiation
i will be patient
waiting for the end of my world
breaking with convention
to hell with the rules
the new schools
will be free
(at least
we can

i am haveing fun over here haha wow

i hope you’re having as much fun as i’m haveing
but if you looked at my facial expression you wouldn’t know
what i was thinking inside my truely reinforced brain container
let me tell you about the time i saved a kids life
does my life matter
tell me something about the mind
i don’t understand
all the time
tell me who you are
and why you are
explain the brain
and the rain
tell me why
i need to know
tell me now
i need to go

(excerpts from "these are the 100 poems of varied length that I wrote today")

no. 2
having things inside of your ears is weird
having ears that hear the world around you freaks me out
i am freaking out because i am surrounded by freaks and outcasts
i am a freak and an outcast surrounded by the world
the world is listening to me listen to it
i felt the wind against my face
i felt feelings i will never talk about
to anyone ever again
i rapped a freestyle that i have forgotten
i lived in the moment briefly
i was briefly just being
i practiced not thinking
it felt transcendental
true awareness
or something

no. 5
writing 100 poems is hard work
but some idiot has to do it
i am that idiot
someone shoot my foot with a red flare

no. 7
a poem cannot be ‘stupid’ or ‘dumb’
you can either ‘like’ it or ‘not like’ it
choose wisely
lest ye miss
the point
of life

no. 13
this was a great decision
we can do great things when we try
the ego attached to you will only live once
think about what you want to say and then say it
we don’t need no thought control
on this penmanship hehe

no. 16
silly kids chase their dreams
boring people give up and never try
i will never live up to my own expectations for myself
i set the bar so high i know i will never reach it hehe
my main goal in life is to be a wolf
this is impossible but it is my goal
and you can’t tell me how to life my lief
yolo because steve roggenbuck told me so

no. 24
writing poems is my way of celebrating with the world that i am not masturbating furiously or sobbing so hard that my eyes fall out and in fact writing poems is my way of celebrating my own existence and the peculiarties of my own personality

no. 29
real publishers don’t wanna sign me
because i am in the streets
i hang out with hood rats
and drug addicts
i roam the bleak wasteland
of post-modern capitalism
and with a sly smile
i flip off a cop

no. 30
no ant has ever died by falling
ants are impervious to death by falling
you could throw an ant off the empire state building
and it would survive
hehe wow i wish i was an ant

no. 43
let the wind touch you
let your face breathe
let your eyes blink
be okay with that
everything is ok

no. 65
writing 65 poems in a row is a good way to make yourself not want to write or read anything else for the rest of the day

no. 66
there is an art to being persistent
despite everything
despite the voices
despite the haters
i write in spite
of myself

no. 80
my mind is empty
it is ready
for anything
it is open
to anything

no. 88
how many poems can one person write in a day
before they self-destruct
leaving behind sentence fragments
vague and declarative statements
and pieces of forgotten thoughts

no. 94
i have been writing a lot of words
because i am trying to express something intangible and fleeting
i can’t capture it with words
words are like prison for ideas
words are fragile like tears
words can and do fail me
these words can jail me
a word expresses frailty

no. 99
wow i have come a long way
in one day

James Ganas


Hannah O'Brien

("blank" published in have u seen my whale #1

I remember when you used to swing round
to paint the clouds and pull the hair from the ground.
You used to listen to the marble and watch the old men
wipe the money from their eyes and laugh.
You used to wait until the last,
you loved the way it snatched at opaque
and how its fingers fell silent when it slept.
You’d watch as the park
would carefully undo its wooden necklace
and stroll.
You loved the woollen tresses
and the sharp sirens they clutched,
hiding from the fire.
You used to play compassion.
You’d strum it with such conviction
that the raven on the back of my neck would cry
leave me, leave me.
So you did.
You’re fed up of evergreen stories and playing with time.
You don’t want to live in a canvas house
or run your steel gloves through the sand on my arms.
You wish to cut the silence my fingers sew
with scissors
and you want to grow your hair.
You want to close your piercing blues and fall.
You don’t like steam or water biscuits.
And I don’t want you anymore.

Mrs Thomas

“Hi Mrs Thomas, how are you?”

“Orr, ‘iya luv, I’m alri’ thanks, ‘ad a bitta trouble down the doctors earlier mind, been ‘avin jip with my ear like.”

“Aw, there’s a shame. How’s your hearing?”

“Oh alri’ luv, s’tidy enough, I put a few rollers in only last night, makes the werld uh difference dun ih? S’usually so frizzy in this weather.”

“…Yes Mrs Thomas, it’s lovely. Do you want a bag for these?”

“Wha’sah luv? Do I know Aggie Rees? Oh aye, she’s ‘ad er baybee. Bit of an odd one, not gonna lie. It’s powerful fat and gorran ‘ead like an October cabbage. Bet its mother’s finding it terrible ‘eavy. Feels fer ‘er I does.”

“Yeah, must be hard for her. Any cash back?”

“Nah, she’s not ‘ad trouble with rash this time round, thank ‘eavens. ‘Er last two must’ve cost ‘er a small fortune in Sudocrem, not cheap these days either is it?”

“No, you’re right there Mrs Thomas. That’ll be ten pound and a penny please.”

“Yeah, I’m sure Ted’ll be round in a short while luv, doubt he’ll bring Jenny though, she’s bed bound these days, not been the same since ‘er ‘ip packed in ‘as she? Poor thing. No point tryin’ to talk to Ted though luv, ‘is hyearin’s going, ‘e won’t be able to understand a single werd you say.”

“Alright Mrs Thomas, here’s your change. Thanks a lot.”

“Aw thanks luv, see you again like, tarrah!”

It's Pouring

And crying won’t help the dye streak from your eyes.
And screaming won’t take the bite.
And when wrinkles crush your skin
and your hair gives up to sleep,
and your pockets of age are brimmed,
stop polishing crusted names because
your lines rest on empted hands.
And you scrape yourself back
into the pouring pouring rain
with sanded down knees
and nails that were hammered in too deep.
And your mouth scratches your cheeks into a smile
and you stand soaking.
In the pouring pouring rain.

Sarah Jean Alexander

(excerpt from "3 poems about a food tray, a cigarette, and cats" 
published in have u seen my whale


a teenage boy
throws his half smoked cigarette
out of the passenger side window
from his friend’s pickup truck.

i am a 12-year-old girl
with my 13-year old best friend.
i pick up the half smoked cigarette,
i take a drag and pose at my best friend,
hand on hip
hip jutting out
arm cocked
like it’s broken.

“check me out, babe.”

i feel cool.

("WHERE DO U LIVE" published in imgaypress 

(excerpt from Sarah’s ebook “I imagine you in your house, cleaning your chest.” 

I will google street view your address

You sent me your address in confidence that I
would send you something nice. I will, but first,
I will google your address. I will google map your
address. I will google street view your address. I
will pick up the little cartoon man icon and place
him on the street in front of your house. I will look
at the mailbox. I imagine looking inside of the
mailbox to see how your name is spelled on the
envelope. I will look at your front door.

I imagine showing up on your front doorstep. I
don't knock. I stare at your front door and count
the cracks, finger the brass knocker, look into the
keyhole, look into the peephole, trace the frame,
count my splinters.

I imagine that this is my door now that we are a
family, you and I. I imagine carrying 7 bags of
groceries on my two arms and fidgeting with my
keys to open the door. I fumble and drop the keys.
I squat down slowly, balancing all 7 bags, and pick
up the keys using only 2 fingers. I imagine going
back to my car to get the 20-pound box of cat litter.
I imagine our cat.

I imagine you inside your shower. I imagine you in
your house, cleaning your chest. You clean your
stomach. You don't spend enough time cleaning
your feet. I imagine your toothbrush has soft
bristles. I can feel these bristles now; I am
imagining your toothbrush in my mouth. I taste


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