Sunday, September 2, 2007

Late Great Quotes

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden

Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming!

Contentment is not The fulfillment Of what you want -- But the realization Of how much You already have!

A lie goes half way around the world before the truth can get its pants on. Winston Churchill

Reputation is character minus what you’ve been caught doing. Michael Iapoce

The oldest books are only just out to those who have not read them. Samuel Butler

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. Robert Frost

If you think education is expensive - try ignorance. Derek Bok

If you are planning for a year, sow rice. If you are planning for a decade, plant trees. If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. --Chinese proverb

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down. Mary Pickford

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out--it's the grain of sand in your shoe. Robert Service

Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone. Gertrude Stein

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say 'Thank You'? William A. Ward

Good words are worth much, and cost little. George Herbert

A hug is the perfect gift -- one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it. Ivern Ball

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans. Peter Drucker

There is not a hint of one person who was afraid to draw near him [Jesus]. There were those who mocked him. There were those who were envious of him. There were those who misunderstood him. There were those who revered him. But there was not one person who considered him too holy, too divine, or too celestial to touch. There was not one person who was reluctant to approach him for fear of being rejected. Max Lucado

Everything that is worthwhile in life is scary. Choosing a school, choosing a career, getting married, having kids--all those things are scary. If it is not fearful, it is not worthwhile. Paul Tornier

To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another. Katherine Paterson

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Dale Carnegie

A hypocrite talks upright,but seldom walks upright.

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born BY his purpose and FOR his purpose. Rick Warren

In pursuit of happiness, the difficulty lies in knowing when you have caught up. R.H. Grenville

When people speak ill of you, live so as nobody may believe them. Plato

You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. Eldridge Cleaver

[Jesus said] 'I am the resurrection and the life ... Do you believe this?' This is a canyon question which makes sense only during an all-night vigil or in the stillness of smoke-filled waiting rooms. A question that makes sense when all of our props, crutches, and costumes are taken away. For then we must face ourselves as we really are: rudderless humans tailspinning toward disaster. And we are forced to see him for what he claims to be: our only hope. Max Lucado

[John the Baptist said] 'He must increase, but I must decrease.' .. No driven person could ever say what John said, because driven people have to keep gaining more and more attention, more and more power, more and more material assets. The seductions of the public life would have led to a competitive posture, but the original call to commitment from within spoke louder. Gordon McDonald

He is not great who is not greatly good. William Shakespeare

One who receives this Word, and by it salvation, receives along with it the duty of passing this Word on... Where there is no mission, there is no Church, and where there is neither Church nor mission, there is no faith. Emil Brunner

There is a big difference between mishearing and hearing only what we want to hear, right? We, the people of God, seem to have chronic 'itching ears,' and we can usually find somebody to scratch till we say 'Aaahh' (2 Tim. 4:3). Given the option, we will usually choose bigger barns to serve ourselves over bigger hearts to serve others (Luke 12:13-21). Scotty Smith

To be forged upon the anvil of God's purpose, to be at once His hammer, His tongs, and His molten iron; to hear words that rend the heart, see visions that pierce the chest; to be emptied like an urn, again and again and again until one desires only rest, only an end to the refilling -- and to know one cannnot live without the refilling. To be given words that one dare not speak, and to feel those words churning and boiling in the belly until one must speak them aloud, or die. To be despised, soon or late, by everyone except Adonai -- and to desire it so, while hating it. This is to be a prophet. Thom Lemmons

Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it. Maimonides

You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. Eldridge Cleaver

There is not one marriage in today's culture that is not vulnerable. Why? Because we've allowed the culture to seep into our souls. ... Clearly we can no longer pattern our marriages after the people around us -- if we ever could. Not only does the world not know how to divorce-proof its marriages, it is well on the way to making broken relationships the norm! Dr. Fred Lowery

A book is not harmless merely because no one is consciously offended by it. T. S. Eliot

It is not the uniqueness of 'Christianity' as a system that we defend, but the uniqueness of Christ. ... So, because in no other person but Jesus of Nazareth did God first become human (in his birth), then bear our sins (in his death), then conquer death (in his resurrection) and then enter his people (by his Spirit), he is uniquely able to save sinners. Nobody else has his qualifications. John R. W. Stott

It is human to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion. Anatole France

Terror and tragedy have made us more aware of our vulnerabilities and mortality ... We're living through a time of testing and consequence, and pray that our wisdom and will are equal to the work before us. Condoleeza Rice

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard

Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn't make me stronger. Lou Holtz

Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself. St. Francis de Sales

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller

In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body. Barbara De Angelis

The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed. Sebastien Roch Nicholas Chamfort

People only see what they are prepared to see. Ralph Waldo Emerson (Journals)

Giving advice is sometimes only showing our wisdom at the expense of others. Anthony Shaftesbury

There are two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there. Indira Gandhi

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice. Indian Proverb

The truth is, living in agreement with God will bring His conviction when we are disobedient. Conviction may feel like a negative thing, but it's just as much a part of God as His smile. He is committed to making our lives work in Him, and He will use the strength and power of His conviction to let us know when we are outside His will. It may feel bad, but conviction is God at work in us. David Edwards

You are not an accident. Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. ... Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God. He thought of you first. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing this very moment. You are alive because God wanted to create you! Rick Warren

A man with outward courage dares to die. A man with inward courage dares to live. Lao-Tzu

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present. Unknown

In pursuit of happiness, the difficulty lies in knowing when you have caught up. R.H. Grenville

I'm not suggesting that we have the power to heal physical conditions with our human fingers. But I do believe there's a healing of the spirit that takes place when we touch others. There's a comfort that can't be found anywhere else but in a touch or a hug. Somehow, God's love and power is ahred with others through the simplicity of our physical touch. Amy Nappa

There is not a sprig of grass that shoots uninteresting to me. Thomas Jefferson

Put silk on a goat, and it's still a goat.

A friend's eye is a good mirror.

It's no use carrying an umbrella if your shoes are leaking.

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. We must not permit anything to stand between us and the book that could change our lives. Jim Rohn

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