Friday, December 2, 2011

Shopping and Talented African Writers

I don't know how many of you, my friends, know that I have started an online bookstore/promotional blog called Fabulosity Galore.

What I want to achieve with this blog is to promote books I love and also make a bit of income to support my blogging activities.

Today at Fabulosity Galore I feature bloggers and a writer who's books I love and are either of African origin or have a connection, however ancient to the continent.

I'd love for you to come over and check it out as today.

I also celebrate the release of Kiru Taye's new book, His Treasure and I hope as many people as possible will grab a Kindle copy @ $4.99.

I've included the Amazon link here for your convenience. 

I'm helping out with the promotion of Kiru's book. So tomorrow there will be no poetry in order to keep this post going throughout the weekend.

I promise to have two poetry sessions next week, Wednesday and Friday.

Fabulosity Galore is giving back 5X $10 Amazon vouchers for purchases to the value of $50 or more from my store.

Happy book shopping and have a fabulous weekend.

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