Monday, February 6, 2012

Someday I'll Find my Perfect Escape

I was here lying in my bed all alone.
Listening for the quiet music Ive never been hear.
I am here so close again waiting for the morning after dark.
Thinking about everything that i know it never come

And I know it will never happen again
Because people dragging me down
People disagree,
People disapprove,
People doesn't have care at all

They didn't know what i am waiting
Nobody understand what i am supposed to tell.
Things change just like how people do,
I suddenly close my eyes with tears
Remembering all those memory brings me into a cruel life,

The pain that never erase inside my soul,
Those heartaches that i wish I'm dead to take it out from me,
A year ago,
a month,
thousands of yesterday,
the past hours,
the minutes,
and the seconds of the life.

I know now that life is imperfect
And the world seems so unfair
I promise to myself
Someday I'll find my perfect escape,
It's true that if you really wanted to get something you want,

You have to learn to sacrifice,
to get hurt,
to be in pain,
and to let your life have Scars
and the wound shall be allowed to heal,
but life seems so unfair,that's why people judged lord,
and ask for everything to be perfect even if everybody know

Nobody is perfect,
I am twenty but i am very disappointed to myself,
Disappointed for everything who seen by my eyes,
I hold my head and promise everything,
I promise someday I'll find my perfect escape,

The perfect place where no ones feel the pain,
No time that need to be wasted,
No wounded can have scars,
No people with teary eyes,
It's a perfect place to me,

It's perfect room where i always stay everyday of my life,
The place where i can find the next door of my life,
The door that we can knock someday and leave behind,
It's  gone now,
Everything is gone forever.
Love dies,Memories are fade and people die.

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